This wonderful, transformational program, offered either privately or in a supportive group setting, is based on Denise Linn’s book, “Soul Coaching ~ 28 Days to Discover Your Authentic Self”. It’s kind of de-cluttering and re-alignment for your life and soul!
If you like the idea of a structured coaching program that offers a wide range of activities and assignments geared toward getting to know yourself better, with a combination of grounded life coaching with a taste of the metaphysical and magical, this is for you.
It is an excellent choice for when you are at a turning point in your life, perhaps after a relationship or job change or becoming an “empty-nester” and wondering “what’s next for me?”
It is for those times when you are struggling with a sense of who you are and what your life is all about.
It’s for when you are ready to own your own power, find your real voice and start putting yourself first for a change, instead of everyone else.
It’s for when you need to reconnect with the Spirit inside you and create sacred space in your life.
It’s for helping you learn how to draw on your immense inner wisdom.
“ What gives me meaning? What gives me joy? How can I shift my energy? How can I connect to the sacred in everyday life?” These are some of the questions you will explore during the Soul Coaching® core program.
Kindred Spirits Holistic Centre
a centre of holistic wellness in the heart of Bridgewater